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Why We're Great >


Why We're Great >

It is in the moments when we can connect with one anther that we most feel alive. Every single word lived, spoken and written is my love letter to th world. 

i am mavis braga

About Me

It is the start of a new decade and a whole 8 years later since the first time I put my pen on a paper and wrote my first article. We have grown and come to wear many hats, but never stopped wearing our heart on our sleeves. We do not intend to stop, because authenticity is all we know. We shall continue to grow. Welcome, let's journey together... shall we?


Sign up to attend the GUIDE TO CHEVENING APPLICATIONS 101 webinar - Sign up here!

I WON the 2021 University of Sussex Student Union Elections for the position of Student Trustee position!

Blue and Orange Gradient Modern Tech Hea

With my love for writing, I have been blogging since 2012 and continue to do so.

Read my manifesto and find out how to vote.


I have always ensured that I am a voice of change. I am to be the change I want to see. 


I pride myself in my diversity. There is something liberating about being everything I can be.


Apply for mentorship events and get insight on  how to work towards your career goals.

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An interview workshop, tailor-made to walk you through preparing for a Chevening Scholarship interview.




Watch it now. 



Join the Career Rejection 101 webinar, the second of the 101 series.


African scholars and young professions will share skills on how to overcome feeling rejections & frustrated in your journey to success.


Sign up for the event happening

6 February 2021. 


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Watch the 

Guide to University Applications Webinar  recording. 


You can join African scholars studying across the world, ranging from the UK to the US as they share their university application experiences.


I am of the firm belief that one should always pay forward the lessons that have been imparted in to you.

Cycle 2 is open to SMPN members only.

Sign up by filling in a form under the MENTOR tab before

30 Sept 2020.

I am offering 9 students and opportunity to have their Chevening essays proofread by 4 other scholars. 

Available to 9 students ONLY on a first-come, first-served basis. Only the first 9 students will be contacted before

30 October 2020.

Blog Summary


I write about all things self. To ensure self-development, self-reflection and self-love.  

latest posts


I work with brands to influence their corporate image and to render my services. 


Brands worked with:

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P O Box 24841

Windhoek, NAMIBIA


I absolutely love hearing from my readers!

How about you drop me a mail with some feedback?

Go over to my contact page and drop me a quick mail. Thank you for dropping by.

With Love


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